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God Loves Humour

Humour that enhances and improves people in their relationship with God and each other is part of God’s plan. Life cannot be always considered so seriously. Fun and humorous times are also needed. If the pressure is always on, mistakes and errors often result. Who doesn’t enjoy a good belly laugh?! A good laugh makes us feel good. If often improves the way we see the world, ourselves and others. The better the humour the better the laugh. The physical endomorphic response this causes internally is a God-given response and hence is a gift for us all. When we come from good, honest, positive feelings, we are more likely to do good. We are all likely to benefit. When used properly and responded to positively, humour is a gift from God. Many a time I have imagined God having a great ‘rolling laugh’ about something – and loving it! (In whatever way God would ‘laugh’.) I think this is good. There may be the sort of humour that seems questionable for some but not for others. Good humour is that humour that fits a particular circumstance for individuals, but which doesn’t harm each or another. Hence, the humour has to allow for each person’s appreciation, understanding and willingness to be a part of the proceedings. Yes, adjustments may need to be made to fit a particular circumstance... Copyright © Great Developments Publishers, 2016/7 (Extract from ' One God for All'. Continues on page 163.) Available from all good internet bookstores, including at:

(Sunset photo from Flinders Beach, Stradbroke Island.©2017 Bryan W Foster)

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