Challenging God-Photobook-Companion out 25 November
Many of the stories, inspired messages and Revelations found in
'Where's God? Revelations Today' and
'Where's God? Revelations Today Photobook Companion: GOD's Signs'
come with a physical aspect. Not just a spiritual belief but an actual physical dimension.
Such examples include the physical flow of heat passing from the charismatic religious sister's healing hands which were placed on my head, along with the subsequent flow of the Tears from God, on my 25th birthday.
These started these regular occurrences which have occurred over the decades since.
The next critical physical example once again ended with the gift of tears - the Tears from God. These confirmed the Truth of the Revelations from God which were received on the plains of Mt Warning during a cold winter's night two years ago.
While recently this year the physical experiences of the sunrays, sun flares, sun arrows and double rainbows shared in this photobook, once again highlight God's heavy involvement. God working through nature and nature's inventions.
This photobook surprises the reader with some exceptional and different photographic images formed from various reflections and refractions of the sun. Some formed across the author, others with spectacular sun shapes formed in the sky.
These occurred at various venues, especially at the foot of Mt Warning; on Straddie, North Stradbroke Island and inland at Texas on the Queensland / New South Wales border.
The sun is seen as central for many people in their imagining of God and God’s beyond-our-reality’s awesome powers.
(Draft image of the cover shown.)