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God Loves Science

Science is a gift from God.

I am for science. I love science. I thoroughly enjoy each major break-through. Each major discovery that assists with the quality of our lives. Each new invention that helps enliven humankind and takes it to another level of existence.

Why? Because God wants this for us. God wants us to use science to help make this world a much better place – for each and every human being, everywhere!

Science is God’s toolkit for us! Science is the skill and knowledge base set up by God to explain creation, past, present and future.

And once explained to then continue the creative process. To design, build, enhance, develop, re-evaluate and go further than before…

Ultimately, science helps us discover God.

(Continued p157 ' One God for All')


(Extract from 'God Loves Science', in Part 3, ' One God for All', p157)

Available from all good internet bookstores, including at:

Book details at Author details at

(Kookaburra photo from Flinders Beach, Stradbroke Island.©2017 Bryan W Foster)

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