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Young Priests – Special Men – Don’t Ignore God’s Messengers

I personally have tears from God and of sorrow and sadness as I check out my various Facebook friends who are priests of this magnificent Church. As ‘Tears of Mary’ by Leo H. Downey is literally playing in the background.

Why are so few people following, watching, wanting…??? Is this a demographic thing?

I still feel quite young, yet I feel so old viewing the church attendees and most of the clergy.

The awesome young teachers at my school and elsewhere, who are drawn through their love of God to the beautiful and loving institution of the Church, are so inspiring.

How much of a challenge must it be for our magnificent young men who are priests today? They must cop all the reactions from so many observers of the Royal Commission, even though their generation had nothing to do with paedophilia. They must wear it and then espouse and ‘homilise’ the TRUE beauty and wonder of Christ.

I met Leo Downey, a lover of Christ and his mother Mary, in a most isolated and stunning part of Canada late last year. He is a most brilliant musician and mystical writer who sings and writes about his love of God and Mary the Mother of Jesus.

The cottage I stayed in had small figurines of Mary and crosses scattered throughout this farm in isolated Golden in BC, Canada. Leo, just younger than me, lives in the self-made small two-story timber cottage adjacent to where we stayed. Buffalos shared the property. Brilliant backdrops of snow-capped Rocky Mountains with pine trees abounding and turquoise waterfalls were nearby. God was truly present – EVERYWHERE!

If only more young people, along with the large demographic between the young teachers to whom I referred and Leo’s and my generation, could see the wonder of God in this world. See it through our young priests, teachers, spectacular environments throughout the world, in holy places etc. everywhere.

Our one God of the universe is there for everyone. Let our priests know we support, love and dedicate ourselves to them and their lifelong journey of love in God. Their leadership is essential for the magnificent Catholic Church of the contemporary world.

© Copyright 2017 Bryan W Foster

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